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What We Do

Web Based Analysis

Web Based Variance Analysis

Price Volume Variance Analysis

Why did total revenue vary from budget? Was it more volume? A change in price? Was it both? Paste the data into your browser and we will automatically email you the answers.

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Average per Unit Variance Analysis

The average price is different from last year. Why is that? Did prices change? Or did the blend of products change? Was it both? Give us the data and we will instantly email the biggest factors that cause the change.

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Target Price for Margin Analysis

Price Needed to Reach a Target Margin

You know the cost, and you know the target margin %. What should the price be? The math is surprisingly tricky, but we can calculate the answer instantly.


What about dozens of products at once? Not a problem, simply copy and paste into our website and we will automatically send you an excel file with the target prices for every product.

Web Based Excel Chart Generators

Excel Charts

Bar Charts and Pie Charts are easy to understand but are often difficult to make in Excel. We do the hard work for you.


More powerful but less common are Waterfall Charts, also known as Bridge Charts. The problem is that they are hard to create in Excel.


Stop wasting time with difficult graph settings and let us take care of you with automated analysis.

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