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Case Studies for Waterfall Charts

Waterfall Charts are a powerful yet underutilized.
How can they work for you?

Sales Variance by Channel

Something doesn't make sense. Your domestic customers are happy and are growing steadily. But total sales volumes are down and the manufacturing plant is sitting idle. Why?​


A waterfall chart from SSBI can easily show the problem - a year over year decrease in export markets Asia/Pacific and EMEA. ​Now you have the insight needed for your stakeholders and decision makers.

Case Study - Year to Year Sales Volume Change Waterfall Chart

Gross to Net Pricing

Your price list is the same as your competitors, but Net Revenue is below industry benchmarks. What is causing the gap between Gross Price and Net Revenue? ​


A waterfall chart shows the problem: your rebate program is very expensive. Now you know where to investigate further.

Case Study - Gross to Net Pricng Waterfall Chart

Headcount Growth by Department

Overhead is through the roof. IT has run out of laptops. All of the meeting rooms are occupied. And there is no room in the parking lot.


A quick look at a Waterfall Chart that compares Budget vs Actual Headcount by Department shows that your HR & Legal team has ballooned. You need to understand why this has happened and if anything needs to change

Case Study - Headcount Variance Waterfall
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